Campus Climate Task Force
History of the Task Force
Campus Climate Assessment and Climate Task Force, 2016-2017
President Larry H. Dietz appointed the Campus Climate Task Force in the summer of 2016 to recommend changes related to equity and inclusion based on the results of the Campus Climate Assessment Report , prepared by external reviewers from the Center for Race and Equity at the University of Pennsylvania. The Task Force gathered faculty, staff, and student groups from across campus for a series of year-long dialogues which resulted in two reports (short- term and long-term) that included specific “action items.” The reports were submitted to President Larry Dietz in 2017 and presented to the Illinois State University Board of Trustees. Upon the completion of the Task Force’s charge, the Campus Climate Implementation Team was convened in 2017 to carry out the recommendations set forth in the Task Force reports. The short-term and long-term Task Force reports and updates can be found below.
Campus Climate Implementation Team, 2017-2019
The work of the Climate Task Force transferred to the Campus Climate Implementation Team, consisting of members of Cabinet and others in administration. Beginning work in 2017, the team established infrastructure and reporting mechanisms to deliver on suggestions from the Campus Climate Task Force as well as other ongoing retention, recruitment, and campus climate efforts to support underrepresented and historically marginalized groups. Updates from the team were chronicled in the Campus Climate Update Progress Report.
The President’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council, 2019-present
In order to create a more permanent group to continue the efforts of previous Climate Task Forces, President Larry appointed members of the campus Interdisciplinary Studies, faculty/staff affinity groups, and student leadership to the President's Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council (DIAC) in 2019. DIAC works proactively to create an equitable path ensuring student success is obtainable and accessible for all. Members gather monthly to share ideas, receive updates on campus initiatives, and provide insights on immediate needs while working toward long-term planning and retention. More information on the work of DIAC can be found here.
Implementation Team Action Items - Short-term Suggestions
- Elevate and Protect the Status of Women
- Create and Invest in Affirming Spaces for Students of Color
- Increase Awareness, Institutional Responses, and Office Capacity
- Required Equity Trainings/Education for Faculty, Staff, and Student
- Intentionally Recruit, Select, and Retain Diverse Talent
Elevate and Protect the Status of Women
Create and Invest in Affirming Spaces for Students of Color
- Declare the University a safe and open space for learning and protect student information
- Provide gender-inclusive facilities
- Expand and provide resources for the continuation of the Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) initiative
- Expand services provided by Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality to better fit the students’ cultural, religious, or medical dietary needs
- Broaden the capacity for mentoring students of color by creating a comprehensive program for use by all faculty and staff on campus
- Implement the Mobile Dean model
Increase Awareness, Institutional Responses, and Office Capacity
- Campus review of hate speech and harassment policies and sanctions
- Increase awareness of LGBTQ Resources
- Increase campus awareness of underrepresented Studies Programs, encourage all students to take advantage
- Evaluate inclusivity in campus traditions, such as Homecoming, Welcome Week, Family Weekend, Siblings Weekend, etc.
- Coordinate and merge diversity programs and initiatives offered within Student Affairs and Academic Affairs for greater impact and visibility
- Increase Campus Awareness of faculty/staff/administrator demographics
- Broaden Access and Accommodations Services outreach to varying departments with a component of inclusion training
- Expand the "House Calls" University Housing Program
Required Equity Trainings/Education for Faculty, Staff, and Student
Intentionally Recruit, Select, and Retain Diverse Talent
Implementation Team Action Items - Long-term Suggestions
- Create an Inclusive Classroom
- Recruit and Retain Diverse Faculty and Staff Across the Inclusion Spectrum
- Create and invest in affirming spaces for diverse students
- Close the Gap in Retention and Persistence to Graduation for Underrepresented Students
Create an Inclusive Classroom
Recruit and Retain Diverse Faculty and Staff Across the Inclusion Spectrum
- Re-formulate the underrepresented faculty incentives program
- Develop a 12-month equity-training plan
- Implement a University-wide and College Level Equity Review
- Review the process of creating search committees
- Develop a Diversity Executive Council
- Update hiring and recruitment information
- Reduce cultural taxation of underrepresented faculty/staff aiding in retention
Create and invest in affirming spaces for diverse students
- Develop a five-year plan for a cultural center on campus
- Brand "what it means to be a Redbird" for inclusivity
- Restructure deadlines for student commitment decisions to Illinois State
- Overall review of multiple communication avenues
- Assess the physical accessibility of the campus and immediate community
- Maintain active recruitment of diverse students, staff, and faculty in elected leadership roles
Close the Gap in Retention and Persistence to Graduation for Underrepresented Students
- Assess existing academic and nonacademic programming to determine the extent to which existing programs meet the needs of underrepresented students
- Benchmark and research successful programs that serve underrepresented students at a national level to determine what fits our campus community
- Explore opportunities to develop a case management system through which students with high risk factors for withdrawal/ dismissal receive academic services that extend beyond the advisor role
- Develop, train, and hire specialized staff to serve as "Retention Specialists" with a focus on holistic case management and well being supports for at risk students
- Identify opportunities for assessment of recent graduates to help identify contributing factors to their success on campus
- Assess the needs of students from underrepresented groups who leave Illinois State University without completing their degree and identify their reasons for leaving before degree completion
- Incentivize academic faculty and staff (through the ASPT process) who mentor academically challenged students on a consistent basis